EP 489 - Should You Sell “Infused” coffees? (The Daily Coffee Pro Podcast by MAP IT FORWARD)

The terms "fake coffee" and "infused coffee" have been thrown around to describe green coffees where fruit and spices have been added to the fermentation tanks as food sources during coffee production. These are coffees are rapidly growing in popularity to consumers who are happy to pay higher prices for them over their usual coffees simply because they're more interesting. Recent conversations in the industry have hijacked that narrative to make it about the use of these coffees in competitions. Let's resist the urge to allow that to happen and think independently about the benefits of championing these coffees in the market and offering them to our customers.

For information on our new Mastermind Group for building a successful online business as a Coffee Consultant or any of our other Mastermind Groups, heads to www.mapitforward.org/groupcoaching.

SPONSOR: MAP IT FORWARD Coffee Consultants 6 Week Program

This podcast is presented by the MAP IT FORWARD Coffee Consultants 6 week program helping you to define your services and start your business as a coffee consultant. Next program starting mid Sept 2021.

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